L'Incappucciatrice automatica modello SH77 è una macchina combinata che utilizzando una sola stazione di lavoro per eseguire le operazioni di incappucciamento e termoretrazione del prodotto da confezionare.

L'Incappucciatrice automatica tipo SH77 utilizza una bobina di film termoretraibile in forma tubolare dotato di soffietti laterali. Nelle diverse versioni, si può arrivare fino a tre bobine di film.

Il film è termoretratto sul prodotto per mezzo di un forno ad anello alimentato a gas; tutte le funzioni sono controllate da un PLC che gestisce le operazioni automatiche e manuali.

sh77 retro


The machine combines and synchronizes three distinct and independent phases in a single cycle - tubular bag preparation, hooding and shrinking - and articulates them in a single synchronized cycle that minimizes the downtime of the various devices and guarantees high levels of productivity. These cycle phases are normally performed during the phase of entering the new product to be packaged in the machine or parallel to the common cycle phases, therefore they do not affect the machine cycle time. An inflation system, installed on the clamps, facilitates the hooding of the film on the pack. The shrinking arch is separated from the hooding unit, this to allow an optimal shrinking of the film on the product thanks to the possibility of keeping the hood in the correct position at the base of the pallet and for the right time necessary to allow a perfect attachment of the film on the pallet thanks also to the overturning of the clamps towards the inside, to allow a shrinking of the film at the base of the product. 

The ignition of the oven heaters is intermittent, they light up only when the hooded product is ready for the heat-shrinking cycle. The duration of ignition is determined both by the size of the pack and by the thickness of the film (80 / 200My), this allows a reduced consumption of gas, suitable only for the time for the shrinking of the film on the product. Each individual heater is equipped with an electronic flame control device to guarantee correct operation; if any anomaly occurs, the oven switches off automatically and the gas supply is immediately blocked, thus preventing the package from being damaged or the unburned gas from escaping into the environment. This particular type of air vein burner works with a particular supply of combustion air, which guarantees excellent flame stability, regardless of the gas flow rate.

layout sh77
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